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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
This Months Entries: 19
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squiz (12 entries)
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

7th October 2017
Windsurfing: Point Clear
Wind Direction: W
Wind Stength: 10/15
Surf / Sea State: lumpy
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy with showers
Max Speed: 22.99 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 18.88 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Saturday 7th October – windsurfing *** walk – cloudy with showers :(

22.99 kt. max, 21.69 kt. ave., 11.09 kt. hr., 18.54 kt mile, 34.8 km., 15.06 kt. alpha.

F2 Xantos 295 + Tushingham Lightning 7.8 + 42 cm fin
F2 Ride 282 + Tushinghan Lightning 6.5 + 38 cm fin

The forecast today was never great, a westerly dropping then going NW so not perfect for anywhere:( As usual after lots of toing and froing on the Felixstowe windsurfing WhatsApp page most ended up at my preferred choice Point Clear with a few going to Bradfield which I didn’t fancy as it was cross off there. Mag packed lunch and we headed off at ten and I am used to being first there and having to wait for the water but today the Green was already bursting! We all leave the centre for the kiters to rig and launch but I managed to get a nice spot high on the green so Mag got a nice view of the lagoon:) My day started to go wrong from this point with the wind gusting onshore 25 kts so I rigged 6.5 first for the 282 but then I rigged 7.8 for the 295. By this time the wind had dropped and sadly remained very up and down for the rest of the session:( I set off in light drizzle on the small kit aiming to go out to sea as it was very light in the lagoon, sadly when reaching the shingle bar, the tide pushed me into the lagoon. I wobbled across the flat-water way underpowered, then headed for the low part of the shingle bank and walked my board to the open sea, still not enough wind so headed back to get the bigger kit!
Even on the bigger kit I was still under, I tried a couple of runs in the lagoon but the high water had breached the bar chopping it up so headed back out to sea in search of more wind. I then sailed over two miles out to open water by Jaywick where it really roughs up:( Then on my second-long run of the day I had just turned and was heading back when I heard a crack and my North boom had snapped by the head and it’s my newest piece of equipment too! I was 200/300 metres from the shore so started swimming but didn’t seem to be making much progress in the rough water but I didn’t want to set off my GPS rescue beacon. Luckily Simon Chippington realised I was in trouble and sailed back to me. Brightlingsea SC had a big race meeting so Simon went in search of a rescue boat. It arrived ten minutes later and took me to the nearest beach, still two miles from home and in the middle of nowhere! I was able to turn my boom around and sail back to change to another one. I had lost the broken section of boom when being taken back in the boat but later discovered it had been found by another windsurfer and planted as a symbolic statue on the Seawick headland :) Mag said I was bleeding from a cut on my forehead and had a nice bump too! Not to be put off, I was soon out on the water with a new boom, out in the rough water at Jaywick again sailing three miles back gybing at the Brightlingsea tower (is it a lighthouse?) Then I sailed through the large dinghy fleet preparing for the race start but was under all the time and going fast was next to impossible, shame I didn’t rig the 8.5 and 310 as it would have been better! It was great to see at least 25 each of windsurfers and kitesurfers all getting on well together. Not my best day at Point Clear but a great bunch to sail with :)

PS – I am hoping North will replace the boom under warranty !

Photo Gallery Here

Toys Used:
F2 Xantos 295 133
F2 Ride - Limited Edition 282
Tushingham Lightning 7.8
Tushingham Lightning 6.5
Mystic  Majestic xl



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